organisational management

“ROSA” supports women´s nonprofits, formal and informal networks, initiatives and individuals in the areas of:

Organisational Development and Capacity

Building Fundraising and Grant

WritingProject Development

Project Management

knowledge hub

Improve your skills with us!”Rosa” offers online training and in-house seminars in the areas of:


Grant Writing

Capacity Building for NGOs

Basics of NGO project management

iskra – portal za žene iz bivše jugoslavije u austriji

Saznajte na jednom mestu sve o regulativama vezanim za položaj žena u Austriji, o vašim pravima i obavezama, otkrijte kako da osnujete firmu, zaposlite se, upišete dete u vrtić ili pronađete pravog lekara.

Ako među našim sadržajima nema odgovora na pitanje koje vas zanima, molimo vas da nam se obratite na office@frauenzentrumrosa.com i mi ćemo vam se u najkraćem roku javiti.



Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.


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